Monday, August 22, 2005

Weekend Blues

With a Rakhi holiday on a Friday, I got a three day weekend. Of course, since head office was open, calls from there came on incessantly.

Sometimes interests take an obsessive form within me. I had recently discovered that a software could convert LP records/audio cassettes into MP3 files. Spent at least half a day trying to figure that out. Downloading is a pain here with abnormally slow connections. Anyways, since I do not have a tape-player also, I left that aside; and concentrated on getting software to rip DVD's. This time, I left downloading aside, and went off to New Road, a market place that has many shops for computers, accessories, CD's etc. Bought a pirated software CD called 'DVD Genie'; it sounded interesting. After a dull lunch of 'special Paav bhaaji' (awful to say the least), I returned and put on the CD. Every software was a 'trial version' - at Rs 100, I shouldnt have expected any better. Chucked the CD aside, and put on my music. Like always, watched time move, guilt gnawing that I should do something productive. But zilch. Both the heart and mind were paralyzed and the day ended.

Saturday woke up with a terrible back pain; it took a better part of the day. Again, a haze enveloped me; it seemed the entire hours were passing in some sort of cocoon, from where everything was muted and subdued. It was dreamlike - sorry, nightmare like. And to make matters worse, I also had a nightmare! The pain became unbearable by late afternoon, so I tried to call up the Ayurved Health Center to fix an appointment for massage. The number did not work; their web site also was defunct; probably they have closed shop!

Sunday was quite similar to Saturday; the parity of days has lost meaning with me now. In the evening, shaking off lethargy, I went to a famous temple. As soon as I reached, it started to pour cats and dogs. I got drenched. It felt nice - the shirt sticking to the skin; the jeans falling heavily on my waist; the feet squelching in the puddles. I stayed there till sun-set. And even took a walk in the 'Shivling-maze' - probably, sub-consciously, I was challenging God. Or probably, and more practically, I was just trying to play a martyred hero from some c-grade bollywood film! On the way back, picked up two DVD's. My DVD drive on laptop has really conked off badly - neither of them worked. Rs 500 washed away! A fear clenched me - I was also running short of money; and payday was still some ten days away.


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