Tuesday, May 31, 2005


The meeting was supposed to be casual, carefree and curt. I anticipated no longer than fifteen minutes.

Two hours later, as I stepped out of the three-storied building, and lit a Surya, I had no clue what had hit me. With a deep baritone, and passionate theatrics, the man listed things upon things that were wrong with our company, and which were not helping in furthering his or our cause. He admitted to some other things, that I listened with wavering sense of shock and fear. I like this man; he is smart, witty and intelligent, and he has done precisely what he felt was good for his own self.

I have to report about the meeting to my boss now. It hurts. For the things he admitted, it has no direct reference to us, yet indirectly it points to a surreptitiously dangerous breeding grounds that might nurture wrong power equations. I have been caught napping. I abhor being caught unwares. Yet, was I fully at fault? Could I have stopped it? Did I not sense it was coming? Whatever I feel about the answers to these questions, it is immaterial. The bottomline (and that is in bolds, and yes, with an underline) is that I have been caught napping!

I handle a product which does not have its full utilisation at one end itself. There is an other portion to it also, which does not come under my purview in anywhich way. I cannot control it. Yet, it is my fault. Because, I do not have the capabilities or capacities to push the other side. I cannot everyday phone that person. Its not in me. I am too shy for that. But , yes, that is my failure. The worse is that whenever I do, generally I end up doing most of the work for that person also. Yes, those are the kind of people who survive! Scums like me are bound to be wiped out, and rightfully so!

The meeting has chalked out an action point which I am going to hate for the next one month for sure. Thank you, for a wonderful beginning to the mid-year month.

All the best, Mr. Good For Nothing, God Forsaken, Unintelligent, Melancholic, Failed, Loser!


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