Friday, May 20, 2005


I wish I could do a work that I could relate to in a better manner. A job where I do not have to worry about targets and sales and month-ends and bottom-lines and plans. A job where I could sit at home and work on my laptop throughout the day, as and when I want to (which would not be much, anyways), and not have to worry about the reports and printouts that the boss wants (or wanted, as of yesterday!)

People say that they get bored by doing nothing, or rather, 'not working'. I belong to that rare breed who cannot be bored by doing nothing. Trust me, I can live a better and fuller life without worrying about the next promotion, the next deadline, the next notch up on the sales graph. I do not think it will give me any sort of elation if tomorrow I am made the vice-president of the company. Although I have managed to come up the ladder of the corporate heirarchy, it's not been so much of my own efforts, as it has been the natural flow of doing the work just to avoid any confrontational situations with the powers-that-be!

I should have been born in some royal family, or should have been scion of a filthy rich family, wherein I could have splurged the money earned by my parents. Yes, my ego and self-esteem can be quite accomodating!

But since it will take a huge amount of time to reach that level (come on, I will have to die, do penance and 'tapasya' to get a re-birth in such a family), let me modify the want a bit. Perhaps, I could be happier if I had two best-sellers behind my back and their royalties to enjoy, and then I could take life easy, write at my pace, spend time on the net at my pleasure, watch my kind of films, and if I had to worry then it would be for the next scene that I need to put in my story/novel, and not about the looming business plan.

Sigh! The images of the various 'rejection slips' from various publishers imprint themselves on my mind's photographic plate. I am not talented enough to be a writer. The fact is infuriarating.

Yes, delusioned is another adjective that you can add to me now, after melancholic, depressed, introvert and juvenile. I did say I am not a nice person to know, didn't I?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buddy heard the saying "Try try till u succeed" and i am sure u shall getr one chance atleast :)

6:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless You, Lady! I do hope that I get a chance. But I am such a place now that trying is very difficult. Still, ur faith in me is too inspiring. Thanks.

9:51 pm  

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